Brendan Power

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Paddy-Richter is one of my many original tunings for harmonica, and has become very popular around the world since I first recorded with it on my 1994 album New Irish Harmonica.

It's great for fast melody playing, especially for Irish and other fiddle tunes, but also good for pop and blues playing. I have extensive instructional material for Paddy-Richter.

Now it's available in an extended range version too! Strictly speaking, it should be called 'Double Paddy-Richter' on the Lucky 13. That's because the normal Paddy-Richter low octave scale (with 3 blow tuned up a tone) is repeated an octave lower. This makes the Lucky 13 version great for chords and octaves!

As with my 10-hole Paddy-Richter harps, the Lucky 13 version is half-valved. Half-valving is another invention of mine, an innovation that gives you a lot more soul and volume on the notes you can't normally bend (lower blow notes, upper draws), whilst retaining all the normal bending reeds. If you already like Paddy-Richter, you'll love the Lucky 13 extended version!


Tuning Diagram
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